Convict Shadows of the Past
Convict Shadows of the Past
Two Jennifers, two hundred years apart
When aged eight, Jenny Kellow learns of her convict family history and discovers that she was named after a convict from nearly two hundred years ago. Her grandfather’s stories inspire her to dig deeper into her ancestors’ convict past. From her grandfather, she hears stories of bushrangers, convicts, and life in the infant colony of Parramatta. She sets about retracing the footsteps of her convict great-great-great-grandmother to honour her. Jenny’s search starts with microfiche back in the 60s, and she learns about the small tin mining town in Cornwall and the production of a cheese that sets London afire. She discovers her ancestor, Jennifer Kellow, has brought these cheese-making skills to Parramatta, where she taught others her craft. Echoes of the past can still be heard if you know where to listen.
Who was the first Jennifer, and what does she have to do with cheese? Why is she so elusive? Did Jenny’s ancestor, Jennifer, ever see those two small crosses carved into the bricks of the Female Factory? Would Jenny ever find out her ancestor’s story?
ISBN: 9780645783315 ISBN ebook 9780645783322